Behavioral Biases Impacting Rare Gene Mutation Testing

How can we drive uptake of a rare gene mutation test?

The Context

A global pharmaceutical company had developed a targeted molecule to treat a rare gene mutation across a range of tumor types (it was the first approved tumor agnostic treatment).

Business Challenge

In order to drive uptake of this treatment, they needed to understand the emotional drivers & barriers of testing for this rare gene (essentially like finding a needle in a haystack at <1% incidence).

Our Approach

Through immersive market research and by applying a Behavioral Science (BSci) lens we uncovered biases such as “exposure & familiarity effect”, “friction costs”, “uncertainty effect” amongst others which were undermining testing for this gene. We leveraged BSci principles to reframe the cost-benefit of testing, increase the probability of detection and the perceived rewards associated with success.

Our Impact

The client was armed with a deeper understanding of the emotional/behavioral biases that were being enacted and were inhibiting HCP’s from testing for this gene. We provided a framework of drivers to leverage (e.g. urgency affect, social norms, awareness/familiarity affect etc.) which were better aligned with HCP values and which increased their motivation to test. We facilitated and co-created a communications framework and messaging (way in and storyline) that leveraged HCP hot buttons and created a compelling story that was used to launch the brand.

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