Our Approach

Part science
Part art
Fundamentally human.
We leverage cross-disciplinary, proprietary human science frameworks to develop well-rounded, rigorous and compelling narratives of the human experience. To that insight, we layer on intentional problem solving, design thinking models and anticipatory thinking frameworks that tackle behavioral challenges through future-tested, human-centric design. This approach enables our clients to prioritize strategic opportunities

Transforming Healthcare into HumanCare

Feeling cared for is a critical emotional and psychological ingredient to creating better outcomes. Yet “care” is increasingly being squeezed out as healthcare becomes more transactional.  

The system is under extreme stress as people live longer and the gap widens between those who can and cannot get access to medical care. Health Care Professionals (HPCs) of all stripes are experiencing burn out and emotionally shutting down, to the detriment of patients and caregivers. However, we know first hand that when HCPs feel they are working in a supportive, caring environment they feel energized and can deliver the best care. When HCPs, patients and caregivers, feel seen and heard, when they feel they matter and are cared for, everyone's healthcare experience improves, leading to enhanced healing, wellbeing and better outcomes.  

At FSI, our vision is to help lead the critical transformation from a healthcare system to a HumanCare experience. We are putting the power of HumanCare at the center of how we solve business challenges and design strategy.  We do this in partnership with clients who, like us, believe there is a better way!

Our HumanCare Commitment

HumanCare means we will always:


Ensure that our valued participants are not viewed as a means to an end, but rather a proxy for our lives. They could be someone we know and love. We care for them as someone we care about.


Recognize HCPs of all stripes are vulnerable humans too and exist in an imperfect world - so we need to have empathy for their lived experience.


Recognize our clients are human too. Their work conditions are stressful and unpredictable. We will take a “we’re here for you” anticipatory approach to how we support them.


Design research & strategy that creates authentic connections that manifest in feeling of being listened to and heard (i.e. how we interview people and the strategies, tools and services we create with clients).


Create opportunities for our clients and participants to be contributors to and builders of the HumanCare transformation.


Assume our FSI team members act with positive intention and we will also act in each others best interest.


Apply our HumanCare philosophy to our FSi team, lifting each other up and valuing our unique and individual strengths.

Some of Our Clients

Memberships & Associations