Understanding the Uncontrolled COPD Patient Experience​

How can we give people relief from the disruptive and uncertain experience of living with Uncontrolled COPD? ​

The Context

A global pharmaceutical company wished to achieve a deep, empathetic understanding of the Uncontrolled COPD patient’s emotional and functional journey, and identify strategic opportunities to shape their global brand story and strategy.​

Business Challenge

Our client was seeking to identify areas of opportunity in the patient journey where treatment would have the most meaningful impact on the lives of Uncontrolled COPD patients and the HCPs who care for them. ​

Our Approach

Horizon scanning of the current respiratory illness landscape to identify social shifts and technological advances impacting the patient and HCP community.​

​Ethnographic interviews to immerse ourselves in the patient’s Uncontrolled COPD  journey from symptoms to treatment management.

Our Impact

The brand strategy and marketing teams were equipped with a detailed global patient journey outlining the emotional and functional experience, strategic opportunity spaces and treatment experience markers. This provided them with deep insight into patients’ and HCPs’ critical unmet needs, moments of meaning and future treatment goals.​

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"Thank you for helping us raise the bar in COPD care. Looking forward to our continued partnership in delivering a remarkable impact to our COPD patients"

- Director, Global Strategic Insights​

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